Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Institute of Political Science
The Master Program in International Relations
I. The Master Program in International Relations
The Institute of Political Science at the University of Tübingen,
Germany, offers a program for graduate students in International Studies. The
program includes concentrations in Peace and Conflict Studies and International
Graduate students are invited to
either spend
one year
at the Institute as an
and take some of the courses offered by the program;
or take the
Master in Political Science with a concentration in
International Relations
(which requires a second major or two minors) in a
period of
two years
(see details in section III below!)
Teaching is in
. Language Courses are offered for exchange
students by the University of Tübingen, but students are expected to have
sufficient knowledge of German to be able to follow the courses.
II. Courses Offered
Lectures and seminars offered cover the following range of topics:
"Methodenprobleme der Wissenschaft von den Internationalen
Beziehungen einschließlich Friedens- und Konfliktforschung" (Methods
in the Study of International Relations including Peace and Conflict Studies);
"Theorien über internationale Beziehungen einschließlich
Friedens- und Konfliktforschung" (International Relations Theory including
Peace and Conflict Studies);
"Analyse der Außenbeziehungen eines Landes"/ "Analyse
der internationalen Beziehungen einer Region" (Comparative Foreign Policy
"Internationale Ordnungsprobleme" (Issues in International
"Internationale Institutionen und Organisationen" (International
Institutions and Organizations);
"Psychologische und/oder gesellschaftliche Aspekte von Frieden und
Friedlosigkeit" (Psychological and/or Social Aspects in Peace and Conflict
Research Seminar in International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies.
The specific contents of the courses vary each term; as an example, the
program for the academic year 1995/96 was as follows (or see the
up-to-date list in German
Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen" (Introduction
to the study of International Relations);
"Geschichte der Theorie der Internationalen Beziehungen" (History
of International Relations Theory);
"Die Theorie internationaler Beziehungen im Zeichen der Postmoderne"
(International Relations Theory and Postmodernism);
"Methodenprobleme der Wissenschaft von den Internationalen
Beziehungen/Friedens und Konfliktforschung" (Methods in the Study of
International Relations including Peace and Conflict Studies);
"Theorie und Praxis des Friedenshandelns" (Theory and Practice of
Peace Movements);
"Frieden: Theorien, Strategien, Praxis" (Peace: Theories,
Strategies, Practice);
"Kriege: Ursachen, Beendigungs- und Vermeidungsstrategien" (War:
Causes, Resolutions and Prevention Strategies);
"Der Nahostkonflikt" (Conflict in the Middle East);
"Internationale Menschenrechtspolitik" (International Human
Rights Policy);
"Internationale Gemeinschaftsbildung: die westliche
Staatengemeinschaft und Osteuropa" (Formation of the International
Community: Western States and Eastern Europe);
"Konzepte der Regierungskonferenz 1996 zur Reform und Entwicklung der
EU" (Concepts for the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference on Reform and
Development of the European Union);
"Integrationstheorien und der EG/EU-Integrationsprozeß"
(Integration Theory and the Process of European Integration);
"Probleme der EU-Integration" (Issues in European Integration);
"Vergleichende Außenpolitikanalyse am Beispiel der OECD-Staaten"
(Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis: the Example of the OECD-Countries);
Research Seminar.
Exchange students
may freely choose among the courses.
b) For
students taking the Master's
, some of the courses are
obligatory (see section III below!).
III. Requirements of the Master Degree
Following specific guidelines of the Ministry of Science and the Arts of
Baden-Württemberg, the degree conferred by the University of Tübingen
is the "Magister in Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Internationale
Beziehungen" (Master in Political Science with a concentration in
International Relations).
The German Master degree requires two majors or one major and two minors.
Students wishing to obtain a Master degree in "Political Science with a
concentration in International Relations" will study this as their first
major. The second major or the additional two minors are chosen from one or two
branches of study outside the Institute of Political Science. For example, a
student with a first major in International Relations might have a second major
in Economics or minors in Public Law and Philosophy.
Students following the Master's program have to fulfill the following
take five seminars and obtain a "Schein". Obligatory
seminars are:
"Methodenprobleme der Wissenschaft von den Internationalen Beziehungen
(einschließlich Friedens- und Konfliktforschung)"; and
"Theorien über internationale Beziehungen (einschließlich
Friedens- und Konfliktforschung)"
The remaining three seminars may be
chosen from the other areas of study offered (numbers 3 to 6 above);
attend lecture courses;
prove language proficiency in German, English, and a third modern language;
complete the research seminar;
write a Master's thesis of about 100 pages;
complete written examination (4 hours) and oral examination (1 hour);
expected is an in-depth knowledge of the study of International Relations and
German Foreign Policy.
IV. Application to Study International Relations
Exchange students studying for one year will be sponsored by their home
Students seeking admission to the Master's Program must apply to the
University of Tübingen. Information regarding the requirements can be
attained at the
University of Tübingen
Dezernat IV: Studentenangelegenheiten
Nauklerstraße 14
D-72074 Tübingen
V. Further Information
More detailed information on the MA Program in International Relations is
available from
this server (though only in German):
your local Office for International Programs;
the ERASMUS contact person at your university; or at the
Institute of Political Science
Melanchthonstr. 36
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel: (49) 7071 / 297 54 45;
Fax: (49) 7071 / 29 2417.
of the Center for International
Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies
- Stand: 11. Juli 1996